Solutions for a sustainable
aquaculture industry

Landbased and closed cage aquaculture is growing world wide. We are taking care of residual fish sludge, and turning it into a valuable bio-fertiliser

Fish farming in land based Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) is growing for salmon as well as many other fish species. Closed cage systems requiring collection and removal of sludge is another area of rapid development. Waister have solutions for both these cases.
Some of the environmental challenges faced by the aquacultulture industry:
• Excess feed and faeces from aquaculture represent a residue product, as well as a potential valuable resource in form of a bio-fertiliser product. New enforced government regulations requires that the aquaculture industry need to collect and process sludge in most markets.
• Sustainable and safe mortalities disposal create another waste problem we have solved in Waister.
• Global shrimp farming amounts to some annual 5 million tons. In addition wild caught shrimp is about 4 million tons. The residue from shrimp peeling can become a valuable product if dried immediately at the site.